“In a lower form”

By this time it must be obvious that every single thing in the Catholic Church which was condemned by the modern world has been reintroduced by the modern world, and always in a lower form.  The Puritans rejected art and symbolism, and the decadents brought them back again, with all the old appeal to sense and an additional appeal to sensuality.  The rationalists rejected supernatural healing, and it was brought back by Yankee charlatans who not only proclaimed supernatural healing, but forbade natural healing.  Protestant moralists abolished the confessional, and the psychoanalysts have reestablished the confessional, with every one of its alleged dangers and not one of its admitted safeguards.  The Protestant patriots resented the intrusion of an international faith, and went on to found an empire entangled in international finance.  Having complained that the family was insulted by monasticism, they have lived to see the family broken in pieces by bureaucracy; having objected to fasts being appointed for anybody during any exceptional interval, they have survived to see teetotalers and vegetarians trying to impose a fast on everybody for ever.

– Where All Roads Lead (1922).

Published in: on September 10, 2008 at 7:07 am  Comments (1)  

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  1. […] grandes generalizações, mas esta é irresistível – sobretudo o final, que negritei. Com vocês, G.K. Chesterton: A essa altura deve ser óbvio que cada coisa da Igreja Católica condenada pelo mundo moderno foi […]

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